Ranajit Sengupta , virtuose sarod player from Calcutta
El Habib band Maroccan-Dutch music
Eskinasi’s Brainscapes ambient music
Christophe Chaplet French repertoire
Laura Stavinoha singer-songwriter
Cato Fluitsma singer-songwriter
Theatergroup Pretzels
Marianne Selleger classical programs
Kyabaat indian jazz-fusion
Mohammed Ahaddaf band , Moroccan music
Sahara Bollywood Dance , Indian style
Teaparty band , popgroup with original repertoire
Saxo Panico , modern saxophone quartet
The Mad Teaparty, popjazz soul funk reggae and seventies band
We organize and book shows for festivals and stages in the Netherlands, mainly Amsterdam and surroundings .
Occasionally we organize events abroad in other countries of Europe.
Local befriended stages are for example: Ruigoord, Midwest, Paradiso, Melkweg, Concertgebouw, Buurman de With, Amsterdam Blend markets